Male Breasts Reduction Liposuction Available In Beverly Hills

Male Breasts Reduction Liposuction Available in Beverly Hills


Gerard Oliveras

Many men may suffer from what those in the medical profession call \”gynecomastia,\” a term used to describe the development of female-like breast in males. This can affect men later in life, especially in patients who are already susceptible to having problems with obesity or general weight management, but in reality, gynecomastia is something that nearly 40 to 60 percent of the American male population suffers from, according to the American Medical Association. While specific drugs containing estrogen, steroids, and even alcohol and marijuana are known to be possible causes for the enlargement of male breasts, it is most widely accepted that the overwhelming majority of cases arise from unknown sources. More and more research is being conducted on the matter, to perhaps better understand the causes.

However what is known for certain today is that gynecomastia can be fully treated with a standard male breast lipo procedure. Any male suffering from enlarged breasts but is healthy and emotionally stable otherwise are good candidates for Beverly Hills male breast liposuction surgery. While men who still possess some firmness and elasticity in their skin are considered more viable for surgery than men who are not, surgery is also not recommended to patients who have not yet been recommended proper diet and exercise. As always, any good physician will ensure that their patients have exacerbated all other options for weight management before proceeding with surgery. It is important for potential patients to understand that like with all cosmetic surgery procedures, they should not be viewed as a \”quick fix\” for a weight management issue. Male breast reductions surgery is a serious medical procedure that should not be taken lightly.


Moreover, Beverly Hills cosmetic surgeons are world-renowned for their expertise in male breast reduction. The procedure itself is fairly straightforward. The area in question is properly prepped for surgery, then a small incision is made. The enlarged breast or breasts in question are reduced in size by removing the excess tissue present. This is accomplished by either cutting the tissue, or actual liposuction of the tissue, or sometimes a combination of both processes is required.

After surgery, the general area may be swollen and may appear puffy, which is perfectly normal. After swelling reduces and subsides, the results of the breast reduction should be clearly visible. Post-surgery you may be placed in a pressure garment to ensure In most instances, the recovery time for the surgery takes just one short week, no more than two weeks at most. This means that you can return to your normal routine in no time, provided your routine does not include too strenuous of physical activity, for muscles could still experience slight discomfort until full recovery is achieved. It is also possible that after your surgery, scarring around the areola may be present, but not to worry, these scars are generally small and unnoticeable, and usually fade, then fully clear up after a period of time.

It is important to remember that your surgeon will be with you every step of the way regarding all aspects of the procedure, from initial consultation, to surgery, to the full recovery process. It is also important to be forthcoming about your full medical history as well as any questions or concerns you might have both prior to surgery and after. Your surgeon is there to help you every step of the way, to ensure that your male breast reduction goes without a hitch. The overwhelming majority of male breast reduction procedures go without a hitch, leaving patients feeling more confident in their appearance, which of course leads to inspiring more confidence throughout even more aspects of your physical fitness and life in general. Let the talented and professional Beverly Hills cosmetic surgeons aid you through the male breast lipo process, so you can quickly be on your way to a more confident and fulfilling life.

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Beverly Hills male breast liposuction

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good Beverly Hills cosmetic surgeons

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